If your right eye causes you to stumble,
gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part
of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell. (Matthew 5:29-30)
Is it that Jesus is telling us to cut off physically our eye or hands?
Our eye or hand by itself cannot commit sin. Everything starts in the mind, in our thoughts, grows in the heart and is executed by the body.
But what does this parable means?
Eventually we must cut the members that sin, by stopping them from doing what is evil;
shutting our eyes to impure things, refraining our hands from doing evil acts, avoid letting our ears listening calomnies snd everything that can contaminate us, holding back our feet from going to places where sin is there, controlling our tongue to not curse, lie, judge and talk bad on others.
The secret and the only thing we have to do is to work from the INSIDE to control the OUTSIDE. That is, in order to stop our members to sin, we must first of all stop what grows in our heart. What we must understand is that evil thoughts come for everyone. The difference is not nurturing them; that is stop them right there and not allowing them to reach our senses.
But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.(Matthew 5:28)
It is the only way, because, scientifically, our body works this way. Let me give you an example.
Imagine you are playing a game such as badminton. Your opponent hits the shuttlecock high over the net. You move effortlessly towards the shuttlecock, and in a matter of perhaps one or two seconds later you hit it back. This action seems unremarkable. But have you ever understood how it works inside your body?
Here it is:
Your eyes saw the shuttlecock and sent a message to the brain. The brain calculated how fast the shuttlecock was moving through the air and predicted where to move your body to. The brain then sent a message to the muscles in your legs and arms to move, bringing you to exactly the right place to hit the shuttlecock.
The same thing happens in our mind concerning sin. Sin starts in our mind people of God. Satan brings bad things or evil situations in front of you and talks to your thoughts. But the reaction depends on YOU; whether you resist these thoughts or send them to action through your senses.
So, good people, do not let evil thoughts overtake you. It is better to sacrifice today than burn eternally. The devil will never stop trying.
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8)
God bless you, Thash.
Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Thursday, 25 April 2013
The unseen Staircase
Are you searching a victory and you are not seeing it happening?
Is it that you are afraid to go ahead because you have once tried and failed?
Is it that you feeling that you do not deserve big things?
Is it that you are feeling too small to go among the graduated?
Is it that you have to wait too long or have already waited?
Or is it that people are saying that you shall never get what you want, be where and who you wanna be?
One tip:
Try again and again
And Believe in your Victory
This is called FAITH. The kind of faith that pleases God. The kind of faith he honours. The kind of faith he answers.
"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." (Hebrew 11:6)
So, don't be emotional and stop complaining of situations, difficulties and failures. Else, you shall try and try and never see victory. Use your faith, your confidence to achieve what you want.
Go ahead and do your part. And you gonna see the hands of God being manifested in your Life.
Remember that Faith is taking the first step when you don't see the whole staircase (Martin Luther King, Jr)
God bless you, Thash
Is it that you are afraid to go ahead because you have once tried and failed?
Is it that you feeling that you do not deserve big things?
Is it that you are feeling too small to go among the graduated?
Is it that you have to wait too long or have already waited?
Or is it that people are saying that you shall never get what you want, be where and who you wanna be?
One tip:
Fight your fear.Make the first Step.
Try again and again
And Believe in your Victory
This is called FAITH. The kind of faith that pleases God. The kind of faith he honours. The kind of faith he answers.
"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." (Hebrew 11:6)
So, don't be emotional and stop complaining of situations, difficulties and failures. Else, you shall try and try and never see victory. Use your faith, your confidence to achieve what you want.
Go ahead and do your part. And you gonna see the hands of God being manifested in your Life.
Remember that Faith is taking the first step when you don't see the whole staircase (Martin Luther King, Jr)
God bless you, Thash
Thursday, 18 April 2013
Take the risk
''Vision without execution is just hallucination" Henry Ford
You have a dream, you want to realise something in your life?
Go ahead for it. Take attitudes. Take the risk.
With strength, perseverance, faith and belief in yourself and in what you are doing.
Don't look at the tight moments and sacrifices, but seek Victory.
It shall definitely be yours...
Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days. Give a portion to seven, or even to eight, for you know not what disaster may happen on earth.If the clouds are full of rain, they empty themselves on the earth,and if a tree falls to the south or to the north,in the place where the tree falls, there it will lie. He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap. ( Ecclesiaste 11:1-4)
God bless you, Thash
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
Ant Quality- Last part
Our God is amazing my friends. See the union of these little creatures. This is wonderful. We can agree with what Henry Ford said :
"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success"
How much more wonderful would it be if it was among we people of God?How the work of God would be of really great success.
How do ants work? Each ant member has a role to play in the colony that is the team. And each colony cannot survive very well without its leader( the queen). When teams are formed and even after they have existed for a period of time, it is necessary that each team member understand and be reminded in relation to their role and how they contribute to the team and the organization's goal (survival). The more clearly defined the roles of team members are, the happier team members will be and better they will perform.
And, we christians?
See what the bible says:
Humble Service in the Body of Christ - Romans 12: 3-8
3 For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you. 4 For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, 5 so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. 6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; 7 if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; 8 if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.So, good people, for the Body of Christ to function perfectly, we need union between the members. Exactly like the ants. The Body represents the Church and the Head is Jesus. The only goal is building up the kingdom of God.
But how to grow the work of God if there is division, judgement, hatred, quarrels, superiority and jealousy?
1 Corinthians 12:21-26 tells you:
The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and on those parts of the body that we think less honorable we bestow the greater honor, and our unpresentable parts are treated with greater modesty, which our more presentable parts do not require. But God has so composed the body, giving greater honor to the part that lacked it, that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. ...
Therefore, let us analyse our attitudes today and work in the same spirit to build the kingdom of God in saving souls. With love towards each other, collaboration. Let us avoid controversies and watch out for those who cause division and create obstacles.
I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause
divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have
been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ,
but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive
the hearts of the naive.(Romans 16:17-18)
Sunday, 14 April 2013
Ant Quality- 6th Part
Here, we can see that the ant's objective is to bring the small leaf to this colony. What draws our attention is how he struggles through obstacles, left the leaf for a while, tried again and finally found a solution by calling his friends to help him out. He started his route and did not stop until he overcome.
But, we, good people, do we have such a virtue? We must say that patience is a virtue and not everyone has it.
What does this word truly means? Patience is "waiting without complaint" .It is a word and a concept that is used a lot in the Bible. An Old English word for patience is “longsuffering”. Some other synonyms for patience are: tolerance and forbearance.
To be clear, patience is a virtue that calls to other virtues, for e.g, self control, humility, generosity and forgiveness.
How to test if you have this virtue?
Imagine you have your supervisor at work. He is not christian and he persecutes you a lot. Regardlessly of how hard and exellent you work, he treats you without respect. He talk bad with you, at times even yelling and insulting you. What will be your reaction towards this?
Will you reply back and do the same to him?
If you are truly a person of God, born from the Holy spirit, your reaction will be contrary. You must not forget that patience along with all other virtues that follow are fruits of the Holy Spirit.
You will patiently bear his abuse. Why? Because you recognised that he is a fellow human being and do not have God in his life. Perhaps he feels threatened by his performance and is not at ease with himself. He wants to be like you and do what you do. But he is not being able. Or maybe, he feels low and weak. Instead of kicking a weak person and fighting back, will you not be compassionate?
If you bear his insults with a smile, he may gain confidence in you, see your difference and seek for this same light. One soul saved.
The problem why people are so impatient, is that they are first of all not patient with God.
How one finds patience in God? By believing and surrending all to the Lord Jesus. Its then that the Holy spirit fills up and grows in us the fruit of Patience.
Not forgetting that our patience is also tested through trials and tribulations. How much are you persevering in faith? Is it that you are not being able to withstand the longsuffering?Is it that you are only complaining to God?
Probably the best known story of
patience in the Bible is the life of Job. To prove Job’s faithfulness to
the Lord, God allowed the devil to destroy everything Job owned (Job
1). Job was a wealthy man. He lost his crops, property, cattle and
servants. But most devastating of all was when Job lost his children.
However, Job did not blame God. He accepted that God had a plan and
would be patient for God to reveal His plan.
Job’s friends came to council him. They
tried to find out what great sin Job had committed to deserve the
punishment he received. Job would not admit to any sin. He perservered in faith and finally got victory.
Today, let us analyse our attitudes in situations which call for our patience. Let us be sincere and have this true encounter with God.
God bless you, Thash.
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Ant Quality- 5th Part
Today, let us analyse the 8th quality that an ant has. This is the most important aspect that we must consider.
Relationships between ants and other organisms are numerous and varied.
Ant/Ant: Some species of ants are extreme in their dependence upon other ant species. They feed and help each other.
Ant/Other Insect: These relationships are many and diverse, ranging from commensual to parasitic. Aphids and ants have many species relationships where both the ants and aphids benefit (mutualism).
Ant/Plant: These relationships are also known to be abundant. Some carnivorous plants allow ants to hunt herbivores on them. In turn, the ant protects the plant from the herbivores eating their plant tissue.
Here we can all agree that these little insects are very sociable. But, we, people of God?
Here we will only consider the spiritual part of the situation. We will be talking of the relationships( like the ants) that a person must have. But one thing is to be noted: The first one is primordial and is the root of all the others.
Here they are:
So, if you tell me you have a relationship with God, but you do not consider his word or will, we cannot say you are associated with him.
Or if you tell me you have a relationship with your husband, but there is no communication or unity between both of you, we cannot say that you are connected with him.
Or, if you tell me that you have a relationship with people of the same faith of you, but there is division and hatred among you, we cannot say that you are all related to each other.
Nor, if you tell me that you have a relationship with your mother, but when she commands you, you rebel.
This is what we have to understand, when we say we have to build relationships, we must add to it perfect relationships, because most of us, misunderstand the true meaning of this word. But, which is more amazing, is that the ANTS, are completely aware of the real signification of this great word; RELATIONSHIP.
In their relationship, there is comprehension, unity, dependance,patience, love, humility, mutualism, care, kindness and free from superiority. Though so many differences between them.
It is in this way that we, intelligent people, must build relationships.
First, it is the RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD. Without it, sure, all the others will be lacking in your life.
This is why Jesus said:
Your relationship with God is the base of all other relationships you have. Seeing the way you are at with your parents, your husband, your teacher, your boss, your friends, and people around you, defines who you are with God.
This is the thought for today. Let us build first of all this GOOD and PERFECT relationship with God. And all your relationships will be blessed.
God bless you, Thash
Relationships between ants and other organisms are numerous and varied.
Ant/Ant: Some species of ants are extreme in their dependence upon other ant species. They feed and help each other.
Ant/Other Insect: These relationships are many and diverse, ranging from commensual to parasitic. Aphids and ants have many species relationships where both the ants and aphids benefit (mutualism).
Ant/Plant: These relationships are also known to be abundant. Some carnivorous plants allow ants to hunt herbivores on them. In turn, the ant protects the plant from the herbivores eating their plant tissue.
Here we can all agree that these little insects are very sociable. But, we, people of God?
Here we will only consider the spiritual part of the situation. We will be talking of the relationships( like the ants) that a person must have. But one thing is to be noted: The first one is primordial and is the root of all the others.
Here they are:
So, if you tell me you have a relationship with God, but you do not consider his word or will, we cannot say you are associated with him.
Or if you tell me you have a relationship with your husband, but there is no communication or unity between both of you, we cannot say that you are connected with him.
Or, if you tell me that you have a relationship with people of the same faith of you, but there is division and hatred among you, we cannot say that you are all related to each other.
Nor, if you tell me that you have a relationship with your mother, but when she commands you, you rebel.
This is what we have to understand, when we say we have to build relationships, we must add to it perfect relationships, because most of us, misunderstand the true meaning of this word. But, which is more amazing, is that the ANTS, are completely aware of the real signification of this great word; RELATIONSHIP.
In their relationship, there is comprehension, unity, dependance,patience, love, humility, mutualism, care, kindness and free from superiority. Though so many differences between them.
It is in this way that we, intelligent people, must build relationships.
First, it is the RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD. Without it, sure, all the others will be lacking in your life.
This is why Jesus said:
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (Matthew 6:23)We must be connected to God, have a relation with him. Understand his ways and humble ourselves in the mighty hands of God. Knowing to know God, will help you know your close ones and other people. It is then that you would have true relationships: like the ants. With complete submission, love, and all the good things we mentioned above.
Your relationship with God is the base of all other relationships you have. Seeing the way you are at with your parents, your husband, your teacher, your boss, your friends, and people around you, defines who you are with God.
This is the thought for today. Let us build first of all this GOOD and PERFECT relationship with God. And all your relationships will be blessed.
God bless you, Thash
Monday, 8 April 2013
Ant Quality - 4th Part
Here today, we shall talk about the next two ant qualities which are: being CAUTIOUS and DEFENSIVE.
I shall talk about the two together because no one can be defensive without first being cautious.
How ants are cautious and defensive?
Soldier ants use their heads to plug the entrances to their nests and keep intruders from gaining access.
In certain ant species, the soldier ants have modified heads, shaped to match the nest entrance. They block access to the nest by sitting just inside the entrance, with their heads facing out like a cork in a bottle.
Ants employ a fascinating variety of behaviors to communicate and defend their colonies.
Leafcutter ants cultivate a bacteria with antibiotic properties to keep unwanted fungi from growing in their nests. Some ants use a modified ovipositor to sting, like their wasp cousins.
Some ants produce formic acid, an irritating
substance they can squirt as they bite. Bullet ants inject a strong
nerve toxin when they sting.
All these show us how intelligently these little insects defend themselves and their colony by being cautious and attentive. Keeping aside all the scientific knowledge, let us debate on how to use these qualities in our spiritual life.
One thing we must keep in mind, good people. Your fight and defense is not against your family, your husband, your friend or anyone else. Your fight is against your enenmy : THE EVIL. It is him who brings problems in your life, him who uses your dear ones to rise against you, him who bring on your way temptations. But what do you have to do?
1 Peter 5:8 gives you the answer:
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
Being alert and sober means being cautious and vigilant, attentive. Exactly like the ants.
To the attack of your enemy: the devil.
By understanding and identifyning intelligently the wiseness of the evil, that HE is behind everything which goes to contradict your faith and his only motive is to make you weak and snatch away your faith and salvation.
One example the bible gives us is in Matthew 16:21-23. Jesus was said he was going to make his sacrifice on the cross, whereby Peter said:
“Never, Lord! This shall never happen to you!”
But Jesus intelligently understood that this was not Peter but Satan behind these words. See how he defend himself.
Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”
This is exactly HOW we must do it.
In your weaknesses. So, analyse your weaknesses and harden yourself.
One example is Matthew 4: 3 where satan tempted Jesus to change the rock into food because he knew Jesus weakness at that moment. Jesus was hungry because he fasted for 40 days without eating.
One tool the ants use to defend themselves: THEIR STING FULL OF TOXINS.
But, we, people of god, what is our defensive tool?
1 Peter 5: 9:
Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.
No faith, No weapon against our enemy. What will be the consequence? DEATH.
So, good people, do you want to have eternal death in the bottomless pit or rejoice eternally in God's presence?
The only way is to be ALERT and SOBER and stand firm IN FAITH.
God bless you, Thash
I shall talk about the two together because no one can be defensive without first being cautious.
How ants are cautious and defensive?
Soldier ants use their heads to plug the entrances to their nests and keep intruders from gaining access.
In certain ant species, the soldier ants have modified heads, shaped to match the nest entrance. They block access to the nest by sitting just inside the entrance, with their heads facing out like a cork in a bottle.
Ants employ a fascinating variety of behaviors to communicate and defend their colonies.
Leafcutter ants cultivate a bacteria with antibiotic properties to keep unwanted fungi from growing in their nests. Some ants use a modified ovipositor to sting, like their wasp cousins.
All these show us how intelligently these little insects defend themselves and their colony by being cautious and attentive. Keeping aside all the scientific knowledge, let us debate on how to use these qualities in our spiritual life.
One thing we must keep in mind, good people. Your fight and defense is not against your family, your husband, your friend or anyone else. Your fight is against your enenmy : THE EVIL. It is him who brings problems in your life, him who uses your dear ones to rise against you, him who bring on your way temptations. But what do you have to do?
1 Peter 5:8 gives you the answer:
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
Being alert and sober means being cautious and vigilant, attentive. Exactly like the ants.
To the attack of your enemy: the devil.
By understanding and identifyning intelligently the wiseness of the evil, that HE is behind everything which goes to contradict your faith and his only motive is to make you weak and snatch away your faith and salvation.
One example the bible gives us is in Matthew 16:21-23. Jesus was said he was going to make his sacrifice on the cross, whereby Peter said:
“Never, Lord! This shall never happen to you!”
But Jesus intelligently understood that this was not Peter but Satan behind these words. See how he defend himself.
Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”
This is exactly HOW we must do it.
In your weaknesses. So, analyse your weaknesses and harden yourself.
One example is Matthew 4: 3 where satan tempted Jesus to change the rock into food because he knew Jesus weakness at that moment. Jesus was hungry because he fasted for 40 days without eating.
One tool the ants use to defend themselves: THEIR STING FULL OF TOXINS.
But, we, people of god, what is our defensive tool?
1 Peter 5: 9:
Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.
No faith, No weapon against our enemy. What will be the consequence? DEATH.
So, good people, do you want to have eternal death in the bottomless pit or rejoice eternally in God's presence?
The only way is to be ALERT and SOBER and stand firm IN FAITH.
God bless you, Thash
Monday, 1 April 2013
Ant Quality- 3rd Part
Here comes the 5th Ant quality - Perseverance
I had once seen some ants carrying a big dead insect, walking quickly from one side to another. Suddenly, I decided to play a joke on these little ants. I used my finger to throw the insect. To my surprise, several ants had still bitten the insect tightly though the insect was turned over. A moment later, other ants came to surround the insect, carried it again and then went on walking.
This is called perseverance.
This is story of an Ant named ‘Tinki’ who was 13 year old, she was very poor and her father died in an accident few years back. Her mom was suffering from a disease and could not work properly. Tinki was a strong Ant. She used to travel day and night in search of food to take care of her mother.
One day her mother’s health worsened. It became tough for her to breathe. Tinki got scared and went to her best friend to ask for help. Her friend told her to go and search for a dead insect and feed it to her mother. After which she will never fall ill.
There was one very big problem; this type of insect was found on very high mountains. Still, Tinki decided to travel to this highest peak to save her mom. She left home early morning on her journey.
On her way to the mountain, there was a forest of wild Animals, Tinki was very careful as she was tiny and could be stamped under Elephants feet anytime. Thankfully she crossed the Jungle and then started walking up the mountain. It was 12 hour journey.
She reached the top of the mountain very early and was very tired. But, she continued her search for the dead insect and to her luck she found one!
The insect was very heavy. She tried carrying the insect on her head. As she dragged the insect along, she failed thrice. She could not move as the weight of the insect was very heavy. She again tried. She failed. She was very disappointed with herself and sat quietly for 10 minutes. After that she again tried, this time she was able to carry along the insect at her back.
She finally reached home after 5 long days! Her friend was there with her mother. They gave the insect to her mother after which her mother’s health improved. Tinki was very happy, but she broke her back. She did not tell this to her mother. After few days her mother was on her toes! Tinki was very happy. Now her mother looked after her and they loved happily ever after!
So, just like Tinki Ant, no matter what happens, never stop trying and move ahead. Whatever you may go through, don't lose faith but persevere! The evil will try to distract you in your conquest to salvation; through persecutions, calomnies, people will talk bad of you and your faith,through temptations and injustices.
Believe in God's Greatness and Promises and Persevere.
Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. (James 1:12)
God bless you, Thash.

I had once seen some ants carrying a big dead insect, walking quickly from one side to another. Suddenly, I decided to play a joke on these little ants. I used my finger to throw the insect. To my surprise, several ants had still bitten the insect tightly though the insect was turned over. A moment later, other ants came to surround the insect, carried it again and then went on walking.
This is called perseverance.
This is story of an Ant named ‘Tinki’ who was 13 year old, she was very poor and her father died in an accident few years back. Her mom was suffering from a disease and could not work properly. Tinki was a strong Ant. She used to travel day and night in search of food to take care of her mother.
One day her mother’s health worsened. It became tough for her to breathe. Tinki got scared and went to her best friend to ask for help. Her friend told her to go and search for a dead insect and feed it to her mother. After which she will never fall ill.
There was one very big problem; this type of insect was found on very high mountains. Still, Tinki decided to travel to this highest peak to save her mom. She left home early morning on her journey.
On her way to the mountain, there was a forest of wild Animals, Tinki was very careful as she was tiny and could be stamped under Elephants feet anytime. Thankfully she crossed the Jungle and then started walking up the mountain. It was 12 hour journey.
She reached the top of the mountain very early and was very tired. But, she continued her search for the dead insect and to her luck she found one!
The insect was very heavy. She tried carrying the insect on her head. As she dragged the insect along, she failed thrice. She could not move as the weight of the insect was very heavy. She again tried. She failed. She was very disappointed with herself and sat quietly for 10 minutes. After that she again tried, this time she was able to carry along the insect at her back.
She finally reached home after 5 long days! Her friend was there with her mother. They gave the insect to her mother after which her mother’s health improved. Tinki was very happy, but she broke her back. She did not tell this to her mother. After few days her mother was on her toes! Tinki was very happy. Now her mother looked after her and they loved happily ever after!
So, just like Tinki Ant, no matter what happens, never stop trying and move ahead. Whatever you may go through, don't lose faith but persevere! The evil will try to distract you in your conquest to salvation; through persecutions, calomnies, people will talk bad of you and your faith,through temptations and injustices.
Believe in God's Greatness and Promises and Persevere.
Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. (James 1:12)
God bless you, Thash.
Ant Quality- 2nd Part
Today, we will talk on the next two Ant qualities- Hardwork and Strength
Ants are strong and hardworking. They are noted for carrying objects that
are bigger than them. Science proved that ants are capable of carrying objects 50 times their own body weight with their mandibles.This is only made possible through sheer hard work
and determination.They are not scared of heavy task, but rather take pleasure in lifting
these objects to their colony.
The same quality must be applied in our daily and spiritual life.Today we will not talk about physical hardwork at work, at home, and at church, but we shall consider the spiritual part.
Our spiritual life needs hardwork to overcome and mental strength to bear the effort and pain. If you want to grow and be in good spiritual health you must, like the ants, go out of the colony and go among the predators, the dangerous routes and obstacles to go and find your food. The food that you will presently eat and stay alive during winter times. This is called hardwork. But let me tell you one thing, when you reach the destination of where the food is find; it is then that the task become tougher. It is then that you shall lift the food however heavy it is upon your back and go through the same dangerous routes to return home. Exactly like the ants. It is then that you will be in need of strength people of God.
But, how can we explain and understand this parable?
You are the ant. The food is Jesus and his word.
For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him. As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever feeds on me, he also will live because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven, not like the bread the fathers ate and died. Whoever feeds on this bread will live forever.” Jesus said these things in the synagogue, as he taught at Capernaum. (John 6:55-59)
"Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." (Luke 4:4)
This food is necessary to live eternally with God in his kingdom.The predators are the demons and the dangerous routes is the narrow road Jesus asked us to take and the obstacles are the Tribulations.
Your hardwork is when you take the word of God and practice it in your life however hard it is or how much you need to sacrifice.The route will be difficult, sure. The devil will try to prevent you from getting your food, but if you are determined like these little ants, victory and salvation shall be yours. There will be predators that will try to kill and eat you, and obstacles that you will have to overcome.At times discouragement will come and situations will at times tell you to deviate way and go back. But your strength comes from the Holy Spirit. It shall fill you with strength and courage to carry your food and reach the colony.
So, today let us search this strength and determination from God. Let us be like these ants.
Keep faith, Thash

The same quality must be applied in our daily and spiritual life.Today we will not talk about physical hardwork at work, at home, and at church, but we shall consider the spiritual part.
Our spiritual life needs hardwork to overcome and mental strength to bear the effort and pain. If you want to grow and be in good spiritual health you must, like the ants, go out of the colony and go among the predators, the dangerous routes and obstacles to go and find your food. The food that you will presently eat and stay alive during winter times. This is called hardwork. But let me tell you one thing, when you reach the destination of where the food is find; it is then that the task become tougher. It is then that you shall lift the food however heavy it is upon your back and go through the same dangerous routes to return home. Exactly like the ants. It is then that you will be in need of strength people of God.
But, how can we explain and understand this parable?
You are the ant. The food is Jesus and his word.
For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him. As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever feeds on me, he also will live because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven, not like the bread the fathers ate and died. Whoever feeds on this bread will live forever.” Jesus said these things in the synagogue, as he taught at Capernaum. (John 6:55-59)
"Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." (Luke 4:4)
This food is necessary to live eternally with God in his kingdom.The predators are the demons and the dangerous routes is the narrow road Jesus asked us to take and the obstacles are the Tribulations.
Your hardwork is when you take the word of God and practice it in your life however hard it is or how much you need to sacrifice.The route will be difficult, sure. The devil will try to prevent you from getting your food, but if you are determined like these little ants, victory and salvation shall be yours. There will be predators that will try to kill and eat you, and obstacles that you will have to overcome.At times discouragement will come and situations will at times tell you to deviate way and go back. But your strength comes from the Holy Spirit. It shall fill you with strength and courage to carry your food and reach the colony.
So, today let us search this strength and determination from God. Let us be like these ants.
Keep faith, Thash
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