Today, let us analyse the 8th quality that an ant has. This is the most important aspect that we must consider.
Relationships between ants and other organisms are numerous and varied.
Ant/Ant: Some species of ants are extreme in their dependence
upon other ant species. They feed and help each other.
Ant/Other Insect: These relationships are many and diverse,
ranging from commensual to parasitic. Aphids and ants have many
species relationships where both the ants and aphids benefit (mutualism).
Ant/Plant: These relationships are also known to be abundant.
Some carnivorous plants allow ants to hunt herbivores on them. In
turn, the ant protects the plant from the herbivores eating their
plant tissue.
Here we can all agree that these little insects are very sociable. But, we, people of God?
Here we will only consider the spiritual part of the situation. We will be talking of the relationships( like the ants) that a person must have. But one thing is to be noted:
The first one is primordial and is the root of all the others.
Here they are:
When we talk about "relationship", we must understand what this word means? The dictionary definition says that "relationship" is the condition or fact of being related; connection or association. So, a relationship needs unity and involvement for it to be called so.
So, if you tell me you have a relationship with God, but you do not consider his word or will, we cannot say you are associated with him.
Or if you tell me you have a relationship with your husband, but there is no communication or unity between both of you, we cannot say that you are connected with him.
Or, if you tell me that you have a relationship with people of the same faith of you, but there is division and hatred among you, we cannot say that you are all related to each other.
Nor, if you tell me that you have a relationship with your mother, but when she commands you, you rebel.
This is what we have to understand, when we say we have to build relationships, we must add to it perfect relationships, because most of us, misunderstand the true meaning of this word. But, which is more amazing, is that the ANTS, are completely aware of the real signification of this great word; RELATIONSHIP.
In their relationship, there is comprehension, unity, dependance,patience, love, humility, mutualism, care, kindness and free from superiority. Though so many differences between them.
It is in this way that we, intelligent people, must build relationships.
First, it is the RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD. Without it, sure, all the others will be lacking in your life.
This is why Jesus said:
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (Matthew 6:23)
We must be connected to God, have a relation with him. Understand his ways and humble ourselves in the mighty hands of God. Knowing to know God, will help you know your close ones and other people. It is then that you would have true relationships: like the ants. With complete submission, love, and all the good things we mentioned above.
Your relationship with God is the base of all other relationships you have. Seeing the way you are at with your parents, your husband, your teacher, your boss, your friends, and people around you, defines who you are with God.
This is the thought for today. Let us build first of all this GOOD and PERFECT relationship with God. And all your relationships will be blessed.
God bless you, Thash