Saul out of jeoulousy threw a spear at him. According to you what David did?
David escaped his presence and did not fight back. Why? Was it because David lacked courage? No, he demonstrated his courage in the battle against Goliath.
David was fully submitted to Saul and sought to serve him in every way. David knew the way to be blessed was to work hard and obey his boss. HE LEFT EVERYTHING IN GOD'S HANDS even though he was continously persecuted. He even had he opportunity to kill Saul but did not do it. He had a pure and humble heart. He was blessed by God. ( 1 samuel 17-26)
So, maybe you are facing injustces like David, people are being rude to you. Don't worry, do nothing to hurt them and take revenge. This will only polish your character. Blessings will come upon you. God is with you.
Good day, Thashiana
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